nIt’s that time of year again when I attempt to update the look of my website and maybe improve it a little. Such activity this summer was inspired by a rather dismal analysis of the site’s Google statistics.
nWhat perturbed me the most is that the Google statistics don’t mesh with the statistics provided by my web hosting service. Annoying, that. Regardless, it’s time for a refresh. I’ve added keywords to web page meta tags, which should help with SEO. Fingers are crossed. As I told a possible client recently, my understanding of SEO is basic, like kindergarten level.
nOther projects are under way, too.
nThe Summer Book Fair still has two tables available. I’m not sure why they haven’t sold. I kept the registration price low to be affordable for indie authors who operate on shoestring budgets. Sure, they have to bring their own tablecloths, but they get a unique and wonderful venue in exchange for that inconvenience. Even better, they get to sell their books where the people are. The success of this event hinges upon being where the people are. Registration closes on July 31.
nI’m in a creative slump. Ever since producing The Eagle at Dawnmy brain can’t hold onto a story. This has happened before and typically indicates that I need more time to recharge. Although our initial collaborative project, Six Shots Each Gun, isn’t doing well even though the handful of people who read it liked the stories, I will still be collaborating with Russ Towne on another collection of short stories; however, this time we’ll veer into western romance. Because we’re still trying to capture western readers, romantic material will be sweet, maybe edging into sensual, but certainly not steamy.
nMy family can breathe a sigh of relief.
nAnyway, Russ and I will get back on that project in the fall.
nI moved The Barbary Lion to Project Gutenberg. You can also download it in MOBI or EPUB format from this website. It’s now a free read. I haven’t made any progress on going wide with several other titles, but that’s on the “Honey, do” list. Don’t hold your breath; this is not a high priority item on the list.
nFreelance work in general has declined this summer. I canceled one contract, a move that could be termed as financial stupidity, but good for my peace of mind. A major client lost funding for its newsletter, so that long-term project ended. I finished some editing gigs. Yep, folks, I’m in gig-hunting mode. Like everyone else, I need to find paying work.
nOh, and I need to sell a horse. Anyone up for a challenge?
nEnjoy your summer.




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