The very nature of ghostwriting makes it a murky topic shrouded in a fog of mystery and concealment. This makes finding ghostwriters difficult, discerning what’s considered reasonable and appropriate rates difficult, and understanding the ghostwriting process difficult.

That’s a lot of difficulty.

Gotham Ghostwriters published an article that sheds light on the cost aspect of ghoswriting. If you’re considering having a ghostwriter do the heavy lifting for your project, then “for an objective dose of reality,” I urge you to read this article: “Straight Talk for New Authors: What to Expect About the Cost of Hiring a Ghostwriter.”

The article by Gotham Ghoswriters candidly explains what a ghostwriter does to earn those fees, but how do you determine whether you even want or need to hire a ghostwriter? That decision must come first.

Who would you hire a ghostwriter?

As my colleague Judy Lane-Boyer stated, “Tons of people want to write books. I had no idea what a huge percentage of the population does until I became a ghostwriter! But for the vast majority, the book dream stays in their heads . . . because they DON’T know where to start or what to do.”

Think of it in a less personal sense.

Consider business. Every company out there produces written content, from social media posts to technical manuals. Someone has to write all that content to convey information, instruct on procedures, impart insight, and market the business or products. From brochures to case studies to newsletters to catalog descriptions to annual reports: business generates a lot of content, and they hire people to write that content. Those writers don’t get bylines; they get paid.

Now let’s return to you, personally. Be honest with yourself because honesty is critical to making a smart decision.

  • How good is your writing? Is it “good enough for a report” but not truly engaging?
  • Do you even like to write? Doing something you dislike only makes the project more difficult.
  • Have you already written a book-length manuscript, or even a short story? Writing 50,000 words or more is a big commitment.
  • Do you have time and are you motivated? Or would you rather hand off the project to someone else with the skill and creativity to do your idea justice?

If you’ve ever tried writing a story and, upon reading what you wrote, noticed it felt flat, then you have learned that writing is craft. Craftsmanship is necessary to produce good quality work. Craftsmanship understands rules and conventions and follows them to ensure the product meets the standards of professionalism. It particularly applies to much business content, such as policy manuals and instruction booklets.

However, creating content that engages the reader requires that extra soupçon of artistry to elevate prose into something people want to read, something that will engage and hold their attention while imparting great advice, keen insight, or just entertaining them for a while. Attaining that level of skill requires more than craftsmanship; it requires talent. A ghostwriter brings talent, a love of writing, and the requisite artistry to elevate your story that acquires and holds the reader’s attention.

For more on how hiring a ghostwriter might be your best decision, read this article: “13 Ways a Ghostwriter Can Help Your Write Your Book.”

If hiring a ghostwriter makes sense for you, then consider hiring Hen House Publishing. I specialize in ghostwriting short form nonfiction (e.g., blogs, articles, LinkedIn posts, etc.) spanning diverse topics and both short- and long-form fiction across a wide spectrum of genres.

Except horror. I don’t do horror.