NEW! Rapid Release Program

Our new Rapid Release Program helps you take advantage of Amazon’s algorithms that favor publication in quick succession. Here’s how it works:

  1. You provide the content outline and character descriptions for each month’s story. Each month’s production may be a standalone story or a serial fiction installment.
  2. Hen House Publishing drafts the content—approximately 20,000 words—and submits it to you for review within 15 calendar days.
  3. Within seven (7) calendar days, you review the draft and return your requests for change. Be thorough and specific.
  4. Within seven (7) days, Hen House Publishing implements your requested changes, proofreads the content, and delivers the formatted manuscript ready for upload to Kindle Direct Publishing.
Rise to Amazon bestselling status for only $1,500 per month (commitment of six months). To get started, click on the button below.

Content Writing

You need content.
Let us write it.

Your professional image depends upon the quality of the content that represents your business: blogs, articles, newsletters, brochures, proposals, and more. Rely upon Hen House Publishing to craft strong, engaging content that showcases your qualifications and credentials, clearly conveys your information, persuades potential clients to choose your business, and tells your story.

Do you have a great story idea, but not the time, inclination, or ability to bring it to life? Hen House Publishing has you covered. Our credentials include short stories to full-length novels spanning diverse genres: romance, fantasy, science fiction, historical drama, mystery, YA, etc. Master storytelling engages, excites, thrills, arouses, and entertains. Doesn’t your story deserve that?

Hen House Publishing offers soup-to-nuts writing. Every bid includes topic research as needed, writing the rough draft, one round of revision, and formatting the document per your page specifications for delivery.

How much?

  • Fiction
    • $0.075 per word, including one round of revision
    • $0.10 per word, including up to three rounds of revision
    • $0.25 per word, including unlimited rounds of revision
  • Nonfiction
    • $0.25 per word, including topic research and up to three rounds of revision
    • $0.50 per word, including topic research, up to three SME interviews, and up to three rounds of revision
    • $1.00 per word, including topic research, up to six SME interviews, and up to three rounds of revision
    • $0.15 per word for rewriting, including one round of revision. Rewriting does not include research.

If you’re ready to hire a ghostwriter, then click on the button at left to complete a questionnaire that will help Hen House Publishing determine the scope of service for your project and deliver a quote.

Is your content as good as it could be? Good writing is good writing, regardless of genre or application. Rely on Hen House Publishing’s deep understanding of English language conventions to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, and sentence structure. We’ll strengthen weak writing, tighten flabby prose, and clarify awkward phrases. We’ll identify plot holes (fiction), inconsistencies, discrepancies, tautologies, and other flaws for remediation. We’ll suggest improvements where appropriate to enhance readers’ engagement and comprehension. All corrections, comments, and suggestions will be clearly shown on the returned files via in-line changes and margin comments.

How much?

  • Initial deep edit: $0.03 per word
  • Edit of the revised document: $0.02 per word
  • Final proofreading: $0.01 per word

Click on the button at right to go to a short questionnaire that will help Hen House Publishing determine the scope of your project and deliver a quote for service.

Content Editing

You have content.
Let’s make it better.

Document Formatting

Your content is good?
Let us make it look good, too.

Your content meets professional standards for good writing. Does it look good, too?

Hen House Publishing offers professional document formatting using Adobe InDesign, the industry standard for document design. We’ll accommodate your document specifications, from margins and leading to placement of graphics. We’ll insert high-resolution pictures that you provide to illustrate the content and add deeper meaning, clarification, and interest.

If you want your brochure, report, proposal, business plan, or book to look professional, then you need professional formatting. Formatting rates include up to three rounds of revision.

How much for book formatting?

  • Fewer than 100 pages: $150 (includes placement of one graphic)
  • 100 – 250 pages: $250 (includes placement of one graphic)
  • Longer 250 pages: $500 (includes placement of one graphic)
  • $5 per graphic after the first

Newsletter* formatting begins at $50 per page. This rate includes:

  • Designing the newsletter template or using your template
  • Sourcing royalty-free stock images to accompany articles
  • Up to three revisions
  • Delivery of a press-quality PDF for print.

Click on the button at left to answer a few questions to determine the scope of service and receive a quote.

* Includes newsletter distributed in PDF format or for print only.


You wrote a story, but is it good? Or perhaps you know that your story needs further development, but you don’t know what.

This is developmental editing. This is where a critique comes in.

An objective review of your manuscript identifies the flaws in your manuscript with regard to character development, plot holes, anachronisms, and other errors that pull the reader from the narrative. A critique will also note those especially masterful passages, so you know what you did well. The critique will suggest general improvements to enhance the quality of your manuscript.

Each review includes an overall review plus a point-by-point critique.

How much?

  • $0.005 per word.

Manuscript Critique

Have your story?
We can suggest improvements.

Assisted Publishing

We’ll handle it, all of it.

You drafted your manuscript and you’re not sure what to do now. First, you have to make a decision: traditional publishing or self-publishing? If you choose the latter, let us help.

Hen House Publishing will edit your manuscriptformat it for both print and e-book upload, and then publish the book through Kindle Direct Publishing for you. Each package includes three rounds of editing, formatting with placement of one graphic, and KDP publishing upload. You can choose to be responsible for cover design or outsource it to a graphic designer with whom we’ll be happy to coordinate.

The beauty of assisted publishing with Hen House Publishing is that the book is tied directly to your Amazon account, so Amazon will pay all royalties directly to you.


  • Up to 25,000 words: $1,750
  • 25,000 – 50,000 words: $3,350
  • 50,000 – 100,000 words: $6,600
  • Over 100,000 words: call for estimate.

Do you still have questions?
Call (937) 964-5592 during business hours Eastern Time or send a message to