
Yesterday was New Year’s Day and I spent most of it curled up on the sofa either reading or watching television. What I didn’t do was work on my manuscript. Actually, what I haven’t done for the past two or three weeks was work on that manuscript.

It’s not writer’s block. I don’t normally suffer that problem. The problem is discouragement.

When the new year opens and everything once again is supposed to be bright, shiny, and full of promise, I cannot help but be reminded of what isn’t going according to plan or desire.

I won’t turn this week’s blog into a gripe session, so you’ll be spared my sour grapes. Therefore, let’s head off in another direction.


Beginning in October, I began a monthly promotion. The first week of each month of 2018 will feature one of my e-books for sale at a discounted price of $0.99.  There’s no schedule for promotion, though, so don’t bother asking when a certain title will go on sale.

This month’s promotion is for Daughter of the Twin Moons.​ This book combines my two favorite genres: fantasy and romance. Tales of the fae intrigue me. This book tells the story of a fae captain who finds his soulmate among humankind. Of course, it’s not all smooth sailing. The heroine’s human ways conflict with fae customs. She doesn’t appreciate being torn away from her career and family–after all, that new life wasn’t her choice. Because of her unique status of being unmade and then remade by ancient magic, others want her and to control the legendary power she’s supposed to wield.

Amazon shows no reviews on this book, although it’s been out for a year. Take a chance! It’s only $0.99 through January 7. Read it and leave a review.


Daughter of the Twin Moons is the first (unintended) books of a duet. I missed the deadline for the second book, titled Daughter of the Deepwood, and will do my best to release that before February 28th.

Daughter of the Deepwood takes place within another fae nation within the same world. Our heroine, Calista, is not human, but Witchbreed who has lived all her life among humans. Our hero, Falco, uses her to boost his magical strength to escape prison. Honor demands that Falco rescue her, too, which means claiming her as his mate. Thus far, much of the book dwells on the difficulty Calista has in integrating with fae society and the delicate process by which two strangers come to know one another.

While the first book contains a lot of explicit romance, this one does not.


Other projects I have planned to finish this year include:

  • A sequel to Pure Iron, featuring Jack, the lead singer of Iron Falcon.
  • A third book in the Immortal Shifter series (The Barbary Lion and Tiger in the Snow). The hero of this book is a polar bear shifter. Yes, I’m veering away from the big cats, but still sticking with mighty predators.

I have lots of other manuscripts in the works, but nothing definitive to say about them yet. And who knows what new manuscripts will take spark this year?