nThat noise you hear today was my workload hitting my desk.
nIt began late last week when someone hired me to write a blog, around 500 words. OK. Then the you-know-what hit the fan. The topic of the blog isn’t anywhere near my subject matter expertise (or of any interest to me, either). So I used the garbled paragraphs of so-called instructions to draft an article. I informed the client that I would be happy to revise per his feedback, but I needed that feedback right away in order to meet the platform’s deadline. No go. So, I delivered the article with a note that I would still be happy to revise it per his feedback.
nI haven’t heard back.
nAnother person hired me to edit his documents, but then couldn’t figure out how to upload the documents to the platform. So, I had to request an extension, which was a pain in the neck, because I wasn’t going to make the deadline. I can’t edit documents I don’t have. The client finally managed to send me the documents. I delivered them today.
nThe BIG newsletter that I do reached the formatting stage. Of course, Adobe updated InDesign, which means–just like Microsoft updates–the program doesn’t work as well as before. Argh. I usually spend a full day on getting that newsletter ready for circulation. Today, I did it in five hours. Let’s hope I didn’t screw something up too badly. If I did, then I should have a little wiggle room to fix it. I hope.
nOf course, there are the usual obligations: this blog, the blog for LinkedIn, and so forth.
nIt’s been a long, long day.




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