nI’m back from vacation and resuming participation in the #MFRWAuthor 52-week blog challenge. If I haven’t miscounted, this week’s writing prompt is “Gift getting – what I always wanted, but not very much.”
nMy first reaction to this prompt was the response one gets or gives after receiving a gift one doesn’t much like. It goes along the lines of “You shouldn’t have. Really, you shouldn’t have” and “That’s interesting” after the obligatory thank-you.
nI have an aunt who was notorious for giving the ugliest gifts. If there was something hideous and cheap, then she’d give it as a gift. I think I’ve taken over that spot in the family tradition, but with my own twist. I like to shop in small towns and patronize the little mom-and-pop shops rather than chain stores. Last year, I bought my middle brother four handcrafted glasses (art glass). They’re irregular and perhaps a little misshapen, but I thought them charming. They certainly weren’t cheap. One year I bought my parents a set of wind chimes made from bamboo. They had a lovely, low, mellow sound. One niece received some handmade jewelry that repurposed a vintage piece.
nI enjoy handcrafted items myself and don’t begrudge the expense. Perhaps that’s because I’m a freelancer and I don’t appreciate clients haggling over every nickel when I work damned hard to serve them.
nBut I digress.
nThings I’ve always wanted, but not to the extent that I’ll actually make an effort to acquire them, include … well, I can’t think of anything. At my age, I pretty much have what I want, except youth, beauty, and perfect health. As it stands, I won’t go to extremes to obtain those either, although I’ll never regain my youth. Perhaps that laziness or merely acceptance and contentment with what I already have.